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Application Form

Please fill out the form below, so we'll have all of your up-to-date billing, contact, and shipping info on file. We're excited to have you on board, eliminating plastic and emissions with us. High fives!

Please note: Unauthorized resale of Open Water products on platforms like Amazon and is not permitted. Please see our Terms of Service for more detail.

What our partners have to say

"Open Water provides all the checks we look for—quality, sustainability, and reliability."


"We are so proud to serve and promote Open Water! It has given us such a visible, tangible touchpoint to champion our mission with guests."


"Open Water is the perfect partner for us. Their aluminum bottles use post-consumer material, are easily recyclable, and their company, like ours, prioritizes sustainability."

— LA Clippers

Why Open Water?

Aluminum is better

Using the most recycled packaging in the world, with 72% post consumer content, and infinitely recyclable.

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Aluminum vs Cartons

Cartons have more plastic than a grocery bag and are recycled less than plastic bottles.

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Climate Neutral

We are climate neutral for our entire supply chain, which means we measure, reduce, and offset all of our emissions.

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Sustainable Sourcing

Shipping accounts for up to 55% of the total emissions of bottled water, thats why we make our water locally.

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Giving Back

We donate at least 1% of our gross revenue each year to advance our mission of ocean conservation.

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person holding an aluminum bottle of Open Water